Tuesday 27 September 2011

A2 Media Studies Music Video: Video Plan

Darling- Eyes Set To Kill.


These storyboards are what we had originally based our video upon, which relates to the video that Eyes Set To Kill had used for theirs. We had originally intended to do a remake of the original video because we thought it would've been easier to film, but because we couldn't find people to act in the video, so we made the concept much simpler by using the group as the guitarists and me on male vocals, where we had also asked a female member of the college to do the female vocals.


The narrative is very simple. We replicate the original music video as much as we can. The narrative is pretty straightforward; it is a mixture of the band performing in a darkened room and a girl being examined by a masked ‘doctor’ whilst being strapped onto a vertical metal bed.

Visual style.
The visual style of the video is quite simple. The mise-en-scene of the video is split up into setting, costume, lighting and also some effects.
The setting of the video is in what looks like an abandoned mental asylum, which is dirty and dark.

The costumes for the male members of the cast will be the same as the fashion of Metalcore is, with the black T-Shirts; Denim jeans; canvas shoes and also the dark shoulder-length hair.

For the female members of the cast, there will be dark coloured dresses, necklaces, open high-heeled shoes and also a dark coloured skirt. This all needs to be used mainly because it is what is in the original music video, so we can replicate it as much as possible for accuracy.

The lighting for the music video is mainly focused in the background and not usually in the foreground, apart from the parts where the surgical instruments are in view.

The effects that we could use in the video are the same type that are in the original music video. The grainy effect would be good because it means that it makes it look dark and graphic, whilst making it look like a typical video from the film-age of cinema.

Another good effect would be the effect that looks like pencil sketches on certain parts of certain objects/people. This would be good because it gives the video a dark effect that also makes it look amateur and homemade.

The last effect that we could use would be the effect that makes flashes of light in certain scenes. For this to save time trying to make an effect like that, we could flash a light at the camera. This is a good effect because it makes a contrast to the rest of the dark, gloomy video.

The camerawork for the video would have to be fast paced and mainly out of focus, with close-up shots on quite a few members of the cast. This is useful because it is an accurate replication of the original music video and also that it shows the ‘operation’ taking place in a pretty graphic and timed method.

The editing of the music video would be pretty easy because all we do is we get the scenes that gel together to make the music video. The only problem we have with editing is the effects that we could use within the scenes and also the size of the snippets, mainly because most of them are up to a second long.


·      Band Members.

Lead Vocals/Lead Guitar(female)-
Rhythm Guitar/Scream Vocals-

·      2 Extras.
Victim- Bassist
Doctor- Any member of the cast/crew.


The filming location for the video will be in the photography studio, if we can book it for the media classes, If not then we will try and do it in some photography lessons.

The costumes are the same as in the costume section of the mise-en-scene section above.

The props we will probably be using is a case of doctors implements to replicate the scenes with the doctor and the victim. The only problem we have with these props is that it will be hard to acquire the specific implements because they are of a standard for hospital use, so we'll have to use other props, like normal pairs of scissors for example, that could be used as the implements. Another prop we will use is a projector that we could use by putting scenes on of human autopsies and transplants.

We will make a time plan schedule that we will abide to as much as possible. This means that we can keep on track as much as possible, without considering technological mistakes.

The way we are going to do the casting for the video is to try and find some friends of ours who are free when we are filming the video.

How does this link back to my research into other media products?

This links back to my research because we have incorporated the connotations of the Metalcore genre, whilst keeping the plan of the video as accurate as possible to the original music video by Eyes Set To kill.

New Plan.

We have changed the ideas on how our video is going to be set out. The reason why we have decided to do this is that it has been too hard to try and find people to act in the video.

We have changed the concept of the video by having the male singer in a silhouette singing; the guitarists playing into a light on a white background; the female vocalist in the same position as the male vocalist, apart from having her positioned looking the other way to the male vocalist, so it looks like they are looking at each other; and also a scene where the male and female vocalists are having an argument and they walk off in different directions.

The different aspects we have changed include:
. Having one male (me) to play the male singer, the actor of the argument scene and one of the guitarists.
. Having one female to do the female vocals and the actress of the argument scene.
. Having the other member of the group filming and playing guitar, in which them scenes I will be filming.
. Having a drummer playing the drums in an over-exaggerating manner.

Random Filming

The initial ideas for our filming includes:
. Breaking things- Mugs, bottles, vinyl records, etc- Show heart-break
. Burning something: Toy (Cuddly toy)
. People- Lonely people, sad
. Writing on wall- Of heart break
. Signs of main words- 'Darling'; relates to "Subterranean Homesick Blues"- Bob Dylan

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